Em 2013 contratei o serviço de divulgação de uma empresa online para divulgar nosso retiro em Mallorca.
Redescobri essa entrevista há uns dias atrás e fiquei muito tocada com minhas respostas.
Às vezes é só relendo algo assim que nos damos conta do quanto caminhamos.
Pois o dia a dia é realmente letal.
Existe um tipo de amnésia ligada à rotina.
A de esquecermos quem realmente somos.
Muitos me perguntam constantemente porque não escrevo com mais assiduidade sobre Yoga e Ayurveda.
Minha resposta pode ser mal interpretada, mas é o que penso.
Quase não escrevo sobre yoga e Ayurveda por estar cansada da overdose de gente fazendo isso - na teoria.
E lendo minha entrevista de 2013 para a Suzi Retera do Global Flow me fez repensar sobre essa posição e sentir muito amor e carinho por mim, pelo meu desenvolvimento, pela maneira que enxergo o mundo.
Eu me amo! A autoestima é algo imprescindível na nossa peregrinação interna.
Pena que poucos saibam lidar de forma saudável com isso.
Tá na hora de mudar.
Noeli Naima of 'Fusion Flow Yoga' interviewed by Global Flow
Suze Retera founder of Global Flow, May 2013
1. Your life has brought you from Brasil to Bali and eventually Germany and Spain. How has living in different
countries influenced your life and worldview?
Living in such different cultures allowed my "small me" to feel the world with deepness and respect. You have to come clean
with yourself and go through some loneliness sometimes, but it gave me a sense of humbleness in my heart.
There are so many great souls around the globe! They may not practice yoga asanas like we do, but they are "yogis" in their
own way through their connection to their heritage, their love for traditions and their family.
All these experiences increased my awareness that one life is too short to learn and see everything, but you can make the
best of the time you have. Going back to simplicity, restoring and living your own values courageously from the heart. To be
present where you are with what you have: your breath , your senses, your body-temple....the capacity to learn and to love,
the sharing, laughing and the life joy of simple things. We don’t need anything else to practice our asanas! That is how my
yoga sadhana became my Life Path. You can practice yoga no matter where you are; 35°C in Bali sweating in joy (no need for
Bikram there ) or -10°C in Germany watching the snow falling in winter, getting elated with a blue sky
The practice of Yoga destroys the edges of the countries, when we start to breath together, we lift our arms to the sky and we are one heart.
2. Traveling has also introduced you to many different styles of yoga from Sivananda Vedanta to Anusara® yoga and Prana Flow® yoga. Which styles of yoga have had to largest impact on your life and your practice?
Laugh ;) The largest Impact in my life came trough the yoga of authenticity ;) All yoga styles are valid and beautiful, but practicing and learning what serves your life at the present moment and enhances your evolution at best, is our everyday challenge and delight.
With experience you learn how to filter through all the different teachers and teachings to find the ones that enhance your process of personal growth. Life has a way of connecting you with the teachers you need most.
I started with Swasthya Yoga in Brasil. I was the laziest Yoga Lizard in the class (yes..I was a lazy one..), but the music and the moves got under my skin. In the years to follow I deepened my practice with other styles of yoga and my sadhana ended up being a fusion of all my empiric experiences of yoga.
The Anusara Immersions brought me lots of alignment, enhancing what I learned in Iyengar classes. Sivananda Yoga brought me the love of Kirtan and the sacred books of yoga. My years in Germany visiting Hatha Yoga with Sigmund Feuerabend brought me the sense of how it feels to practice purely asanas without any goal or trying to reach a peak pose. The USA Tribe bought me the sense of flow and power, and finally Maha Shakthi Yoga (Ancient Kundalini Yoga) offered me the real touch of Kundalini Shakthi: the self as something touchable here and now. In 2007 I met Twee Merrighan in Barcelona and fell head over heals in love with Prana Flow Yoga. I started to study with Shiva Rea and I am still following this path today together with my Tantric studies of which I am a senior student.
This is what is serving my Path right now, but who knows what the future brings! Not to mention the People that come to my classes, they are my biggest teachers.
3. What inspired you to become a yoga teacher and which message do you aspire to get across with your teachings?
The inspirations to become an Yoga Teachers came from my desire to break free from my work as Public Relations at the time for Audi in Ingolstadt, Germany.
I took a look in my life and my on-off long term relationship with yoga and discover that the influence of it was deeper than I could imagine. During my teens I had already experienced how yoga made me feel more comfortable in my skin and eased my back pain.
I began to dream of sharing this spark with others, and inspiring others to go for their thuth, and this is the message I share during my classes, Workshops and TT´s: work trough the asanas to become calm and centered, to hear beyond your thoughts, to find the place within where you become one with the truth that serves your life in the present moment.
4. What helps you stay grounded during your travels?
Well, some places enhances Vatta, others offers a soothing Feeling of Earth, some just push you down, others elate us. What really works for me is already during the travels getting free from concepts in the mind like "I´ll be jet-legged tomorrow..oh no!!" I try to use the travel time to enjoy, celebrating the opportunity, feeling some buterflies in my belly antecipating the joy of meeting new and old friends. I also get some help from mother nature and use a natural medicine "Roots", or some Bach Drops, essential oils on the soles of my feet (Copaíba from Essential Olis for example, or even under the tong to boost up). I try to sleep when night falls where I arrive and eat "earthing" local food with lots of carrots, roots and nuts..
5. You have a retreat coming up in May in Mallorca. What can people expect from this retreat? The Total Relax Retreat unifies the Immersion week for the TT I have been sharing in Ingolstadt and the presence of guest teacher Vijay as part of our 2013 Beyond Asana Tour. We share the oportunity for those ready to step in the realms of the breath intelligence to feel the Kundalini Shakthi force as it is, touchable, available, inside all of us. Vijay is a very powerful medium of Kundalini Shakthi.
Those that feel the call of coming and sharing with us can expect :FUN, laughter, relaxation (so important to learn how to relax in times of burn out) and some challenges to stimulate you to take the next step in your evolution. And of course….just having a great time under Mallorca’s Sun and breathtaking nature.
6. If there is one message you can share with the world, what would it be? Be yourself. Cherish the path to your SELF.
The blend that make you who you are is so unique.
May our paths cross in lovely sharing!!
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